Let's be clear, I know nothing at all

"You Will Never Walk Alone"


ASV RC50 - Bucket Cradle + Cylinder Pins and Bushes.

 PHASE TWO - Replace pins and bushes.

This is the bucket cradle - all the bushes worn out and pins shot.

We machined new bushes to suit - bored them to size and welded into place.

Bushes welded into place and then reamed to suit the new pins.

Pins slide into new bushes, all ready for assembly.

Like Hannibal says " I love it when a plan comes together."

Now we start on the worn out bucket cylinder rams.
Both side are worn beyond repair.

And so we have a plan.
for the rod ends we will fabricate new bushes and weld them onto the rods 
after removing the old ones.

Easy said!  Of course.!!

4 x round bar ready to be machined on the lathe.

Ready to be welded onto the rod ends.

Next we execute the old rod bushes - leaving the rod only.

We prep the steel for a low hydrogen weld and coat the rod with anti-splatter.

The executed rod end and the cylinder ends.

A patient weld - and the rod end bush is mated to the rod.

Next is the cylinder ends on the bucket cylinders.
Here the plan was to machine the worn-out hole larger and press fit a new bush into place.

Worked like a dream.
New bush - New pin.

For the load arm cradle cylinder ends we had a challange.
They wee so worn that there was not enough meat to machine a bore for a new bush.
So after execuing the cylinder ends we came up with this plan.

Two eyes were machined on either end of a lenght of flat bar.
These were then machined off and welded to the cylinders.

The machined eye - ready to be welded to the cylinder.

Job done! Eye welded into place.

Only thing left is to hone the cylinders before assembly + fit new seals.

All assembled and back on the machine.
Ready for the next few years of hard work.

Top-end of the bucket cylinders.

Bucket cradle all assembled and in place.